
Implementation Plan 2021 -2023

This document is the operational formulation for the management of the new Global Plan of Federal Priorities 2021-2025. The Global Plan guides us, the Implementation Plan structures and organises us. Both efforts are complementary and necessary. The first without the second can become a formulation of desires that, not being expressed in concrete means, do not come to fruition. In the same way, operational planning without considering the Global Plan that guides us as a Movement can lead us to dispersion and fail to respond faithfully to the common discernment that has been carried out.

This plan has been formulated for three years. In this period we will seek to develop the common options, the goals by axis and initiative, and we will also seek to confirm a new and challenging way of proceeding and planning: able to mobilise internally the diversity of institutional contexts and realities and at the same time become concrete means, activities and structures for action. At the end of the period we will be able to evaluate achievements and difficulties by reviewing the expected results and means for each goal. The implementation plan allows us to evaluate the realisation of the Global Plan.

This document is the operational concreteness of the discernment process for the International Federation of Fe y Alegría: it seeks to homologate, articulate, respond in an operational and organisational way to the orientations of the Global Plan 2021-2025.

Both the Global Plan and the Implementation Plan remind us the need to strengthen synergies and networking. For this reason, a comprehensive support plan was established for the Federative Initiatives and the need to define a Referent Coordinator for their day-to-day support was agreed. This Referent Coordinator will ensure that, on behalf of the Executive Coordination Team, the Initiatives will be accompanied in an integral manner, linking their implementation with each of the Priority Axes. Likewise, the National Directorates designated their Federative Liaison Referent, Country Axis Referent (REP), and Country Initiative Referents (RIP).

You can find the leaders, co-leaders and referents of the Initiatives and Work Axes in the directory on the federation’s website.