This privacy policy is in accordance with the legislation of personal data protection in Peru, Law No. 29733 and its Regulation approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS.
Name and address: Fe y Alegria Association (onwards«Fe y Alegría»), with address at Jr. Cahuide No. 884, Jesús María district, province and department of Lima, identified with RUC No. 20145915326.
Database: Fe y Alegria has a database denominated «DONANTES», registered at the Personal Data Protection Directorate. The data is collected physically or by a virtual form included in the following link on our institutional website:
Usage: Manage donor lists, associative and education activities, statistical, historical and scientists purposes.
Purpose: To collect and process information of people who make monetary contributions in order to carry out an adequate control of the monetary contributions, for a better management and development of each of the association’s social projects.
Personal Information: The following personal data will be collected: names and surnames, address, telephone, email, bank details, credit cards (only in case of operations by the institutional website
Legitimation: The processing of personal data is necessary and mandatory to process your contribution to the institution. If you do not provide your personal data, your contribution cannot be processed.
Term: Fe y Alegría will keep personal data for an indefinite period, until the cancellation is requested by the own person who gave the authorization.
Recipients and Transfers: Fe y Alegría will make local transfers to the National Superintendency of Tax Administration. It also informs that the automated processing of personal data is carried out through our institutional website with a server hosted in the United States of America, whose provider of hosting is the company Ovh Ltd, con VAT number GB 918 7594 74. The collection of data through the website constitutes an international transfer necessary to complete the online donation process. Also, it is informed that operations via the institutional website have the payment gateway of Compañía Peruana de Medios de Pago S.A.C., identified with RUC No. 20341198217 (Niubiz). The payment gateway uses hosting servers located in the United States of America, owned by Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS), identified with Employer Identification Number (EIN) 204938068.
The non-automated treatment takes place in the administrative offices of the association.
ARCO’s rights. You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO) to the processing of your personal data by contacting, at any time, to the premise of Fe y Alegria or by the email address
Security: Fe y Alegría has adopted diligent legal, technical and organizational security measures, appropriate and in accordance with the category of data that is gathering and using that will be given to them, to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data and / or images. In accordance with the information principle of Law No. 29733, you will be notified in case there is any change in the responsible person.
Confidencialidad. Personal data will be treated with absolute confidentiality, keeping secrecy regarding them.
Responsabilidad. The user will be solely responsible for the information provided in the forms.