What We Do


Fe y Alegría seeks the integral development of its members, thinking about their personal development and what they can contribute to society.
Our popular education proposal incorporates cross-cutting themes on citizen rights and duties, personal and community identity, gender, ethics and a culture of peace, faith and justice. In addition, it includes technical education as a first link with the world of work.


Each Fe y Alegría educational institution is born from the aspirations of a community that finds itself in the midst of a reality of inequity in which opportunities do not reach the most needy and vulnerable.
Fe y Alegría arrives with a message of hope and with an educational proposal that starts from reality and offers opportunities for improvement which can only be achieved with everyone’s effort.

Training is provided to all citizens taking into account the fundamental right of the person and society to receive a quality education. The essential objective is the comprehensive training of ethical citizens, capable of taking responsibility for themselves and living in solidarity with others. Citizens who can unfold their potentialities and development of their abilities and fundamental values ​​that the person must possess allow them to learn throughout their lives. It is about developing the seed of oneself, of helping to be born the man or woman that each one carries inside.
As Regular Basic Education we attend the three modalities:

Basic Regular Urban Education

Fe y Alegría provides education to children and adolescents who pass through the educational system in a timely manner, respecting all dimensions of their development: motor, socio-affective, cognitive and spiritual. It covers educational institutions polyteaching at the levels of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education.
It is present in 21 regions of the country, with 67 educational institutions and 6 rural networks with 188 schools in total.

Basic Special Education

Fe y Alegría provides educational service at the Initial and Primary Education levels to boys, girls and young people between three and twenty years of age with special educational needs associated with severe disability and multi-disability in order to achieve an autonomous life with a view to their family, social and labor inclusion.
The Special Basic Education Centers (CEBE) included in their organic structure The Support and Counseling Services for Students with Special Educational Needs (SAANEE) associated with disability and autism spectrum disorder as well as talent and giftedness.
The main objective of the SAANEE in Fe y Alegría is to ensure educational inclusión, for which they provide advice and support to the directors, teachers, students mothers and fathers of the Educational Institutions in their jurisdiction. Fe y Alegría has two SAANEE, one in Chimbote, in CEBE FYA 42, and another in San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima), in FYA 25. Additionally, it has special education classrooms in San Juan de Luruigancho (Lima), in FYA 37, and in Bagua Chica (Amazonas), in FYA 31.

Alternative Basic Education

Fe y Alegría offers official education to young people and adults who for various reasons could not access education or complete their primary and/or secondary studies in a timely manner. In addition, it is available to the population that needs to reconcile studies with work, completing their education in less time, with flexible hours, in a place close to their home and work and with quality.
In this modality, it strives to provide a humanistic, scientific and technical training that responds to the needs of these Young people and adults.
Currently, Fe y Alegría provides Alternative Basic Education in Comas and San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima), Tambogrande (Piura), Arequipa and Ica.

In the creation of Rural Educational Networks (RER), Fe y Alegría has found a space for meeting and articulation between various actors in the territory to promote and ensure quality education for the life of children and adolescents in rural areas, and thus shorten educational gaps and inequality of opportunities and access to services.
The RERs are sustained by the interest, commitment and active participation of the people of each of the local communities, directors and teachers of the public educational institutions, who adopt and decide to share the values ​​and foundations that inspire the work of Fe y Alegría.
The RERs are conceived as learning communities and units of reflection, in-service training, pedagogical exchange, articulation, cohesion and social and cultural integration.

Rural Andean Network

The RERs work is located in the provinces of Quispicanchis (Cuzco), Moro (Áncash) and Acobamba (Huancavelica) and serves a set of monolingual and bilingual schools in the Quechua language, of a single-teacher, multi-grade and multi-teacher at kindergarten, primary and secondary levels.

Rural Amazon Network

In Pucallpa-Ucayali, we serve a set of monolingual and bilingual schools in the shipibo language of the single-teacher and multigrade type at the initial and primary levels.
In the Lagunas (Loreto) area we serve all three levels.
In Iquitos (Loreto) we accompany multigrade, single-teacher, and multi-grade schools at the kindergarten, primary and secondary level, as well as a secondary student residence that receives male and female students from forty villages and indigenous communities.

In the Amazon Region, we have residential secondary schools that receive students from 104 awajún communities.

Rural Coast Network

We are in the town center of Malingas in the Piura Region where we attend a set of monolingual single-teacher, multi-grade and multi-teacher schools from the various villages in the area.

Fe y Alegría offers comprehensive training that allows its students to perform adequately in the professional and labor field as professional-citizens committed to the development of their territory and in dialogue with the local culture.

Institute of Higher Public Technological Education (IESTP)

We offer higher technological education through experimentation and investigation of local potentialities and the search for technological answers to the needs and problems of the territory.
Currently, Fe y Alegría has 7 public IESTs nationwide: Cajamarca (1), Trujillo (1), Lima (2), Amazonas (1), Ayacucho (1) and Loreto (1).

Productive Technical Education Centers (CETPRO)

Fe y Alegría provides diverse and accessible technical training opportunities aimed at enhancing the employability of youth and adults. We have a flexible training offer that is attentive to the changes and demands of the territories.
Fe y Alegría has 13 CETPROs nationwide: Cajamarca (2), La Libertad (1), Lima (5), Cusco (1), Piura (1), Loreto (2) and Puno (1).

Competence Certification Center (CCC)

Fe y Alegría certifies the skills acquired by young people and adults in their work experience. In this way, it promotes the formal educational system’s response to the needs and expectations of the population.

There is 1 CCC: with the capacity to serve the 21 regions of the country.

Fe y Alegría takes on the challenge of incorporating information and communication technologies (ICT) into its pedagogical and management processes. To do this, it created FyA Digital with a work team in charge of strengthening and promoting the use of ICT in inter-learning, reflection and continuous collaboration in the network, knowledge management, teaching and learning. Through various training programs that it develops in coordination with the pedagogical teams, Fe y Alegría has been reinforcing digital skills in directors and teachers, who in turn do so with students.

We are committed to continuously expanding opportunities for our students because we want them to be able to function in this new digital culture for new forms of communication, learning, work and exercise citizenship.

Courses for Teachers

Fe y Alegría teachers are our great strength. They respond every day to the challenge of achieving a comprehensive and quality education which requires them to be permanently updated.

Fe y Alegría offers them various training options, from small courses of personal development and profesional competencias and general courses in their field of knowledge, to specialization programs, in alliance with universities and partner institutions.

Courses for Executives

The management of educational institutions is one of our pillars to achieve the educational quality that we offer, that is why we take care of their ongoing training through various training programs. FyA Digital offers courses aimed at developing management skills, with an emphasis on pedagogical leadership.

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